Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Enrique's Journey- The Wrap Up

     Hello everynyan! I wish I were a bird. How are you? Fine, thank you.

     Anyways. Hello readers, just A+_Student_1997 coming to you with the finial blog. This is all about wrapping up this series and we will do that by finishing two sentences.
     First, we will finish the sentence "To overcome the obstacles they faced, all of these individuals...". Now to complete this sentence let's break it down. If you noticed, the word "they" is used. So for the sake of having to find different examples, we will just use Enrique, Percy Jackson, and Batman (man, I never thought I would use those names in the same sentence). Now, let's revisit the obstacles that they all faced and how they are similar. The main obstacle for Enrique was that he missed his mother, which can be said for all of them. To overcome such an obstacle on the other hand, they all took different actions but still managed to have one thing in common. 
     To overcome the obstacles they faced, all these individuals had to forget the fear of the unknown and just hope for the best.
     Alright, second we need to answer the question: What does it take to be a survivor in life?
     To be a survivor in life, one must understand what he is surviving and why he even wishes to survive. In Enrique’s Journey we see how ones will to see a beloved can make someone explore the realms of the unknown and travel to a mysterious land. On his journey, Enrique has to face many fears and in such a struggle you see a true hero emerge out of a small, rebellious child. Along the way, there a very few friends and often times they even turn to foes. In response to such a challenge as crossing two countries (in one of the most dangerous ways) and to the challenge of sneaking around trained officials, he does an incredibly remarkable job and it can be surprising that it didn’t take more attempts. He had to understand what he had to hide from and survive because they don’t teach you that in school. Also, he had to have enough will and determination to completely go against the odds and find his mother. To be a survivor in life, one must understand what he is surviving and why he even wishes to survive. For if he does not, then there is no reason for him to survive and he will not survive in the end.
And that’s what I’m going to leave you guys with! Thank you so much for reading!
Be sure to check out my upcoming blogs!

A+_Student_1997 signing out! *^-^*

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